Monday, 11 September 2006

074 Learn to play a song on the Guitar

Week 36:2 September 6th - October 6th

The challenge is to try and learn one song on the guitar. I have had two lessons from Alec (Local Music Legend/ Tall Dwarfs / ex Toy Love) where he taught me the Batman Theme Tune along with lots of other very helpful hits.

Update 1: I have started Practicing and the tips of my fingers are starting to toughen up. At the moment i am going to try and learn "Brightside of the Road - By Van Morrison (Its on the lesson plan i found on the net). Update 2: It's not going as well as I would like. Have been really busy at work and with other projects but I hope to get back to it soon. Update 3: I managed to kind of play "killing me softly: at my flat Christmas party but everyone said that I definitely was "killing them softly" while I was playing. Update 4: I have added a video of my first performance of "killing me softly" and yes I was killing everyone softly.

Thanks to Dena and Gareth for the challenge, and Alec for his advice/time.

Comfort: I don't think i am musical (I hope its an hidden talent - Just not too hidden).


Anonymous said...

Stairway to Heaven is a popular one ;)

Chris Flack said...

Nice suggestion - I could just play the intro over and over again (It's amazing)