This was one of the hardest challenges. I had to go along to a Toastmasters group and do a table topic. Basically a table topic is an impromptu speech. They call out your name and a topic you then have to get up and talk about it for 90 seconds without any practice. My topic was unusual Christmas gifts.
I talked about an engraver my dad gave me for Xmas one year and went on to explain the real reason he gave it to me because he wanted it for himself. This caused a few laughs. I followed this with a story about unusual gifts I have given. Talking about my recent visit to Auckland, and a couple of novelty items I brought in an adult store. This had everyone in tears especially when I explain with actions how I thought I might have crossed the line with my subject matter. All in all I was pretty happy with my first impromptu speech.
Thanks to Junita and the Mt Pleasant Toastmasters Club for their great hospitality. I would recommend Toastmasters to anyone who wants to improve their self-confidence and public speaking skills - A great friendly encouraging environment.
Comfort: The fear of Public Speaking
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