Thank you to everyone who has emailed me challenges. I have deleted a couple of challenges, which I thought were lame (The credit card challenge just wasn't up to standard). Not far to go now. Aiming to finish by January 31st 2007 - Number 104 (the last challenge) will be a skydive in Christchurch. Let me know if you’re keen. Any more ideas/comments please email:
Please read comments for Challenge ideas.
Hey Man
Heres a challenge you could try Head down to the Circo-arts school and try to learn tight-rope walking
Good luck
If you still have Pop Idol (or equivalent reality tv show) over there I would l love to challenge you to audition.
I may have already thrown this one out there Im not sure but i'd like to see an overnight survival challenge. Perhaps in the wilderness on a full moon night with only a bottle of Speights and a toothpick. In the wilderness challenge you will meet your innerself and find wether you have what it takes to survive man against nature or if you will die a miserable and gory death at the feet of a Godless NZ native predator like the mighty Lizard of the cunning MOA. MOOOOOOOaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. OR perhaps an urban survival challenge where you will face such foes as the crazy Chch rollerskate man with ski poles for perpetual motion or the awe-inspiring late night street sweeping vechicle of DEATH. Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaath.
enough said,
Earn $20 from street busking, I'd recomend breakdancing while someone throws out a sound beat for your ass.
How about walking around for a day in a santa suit in public inviting ppl to sit on your knee? Or dressing up in (just) your budgie smugglers to wash you car at the self serve car wash. Hire out your services as a singing telegram. Set up a lemonade stand - with lemonade you have made. Spend a sat night out drinking and dancing at a gay nightclub... by yourself. Go to a fancy lingerie shop and try on underwear, convincing the saleperson the bra and panties are for you. Ummm test drive a VERY expensive car. Go skinny dipping at the beach. Have a movie marathon, go to Hoyts and don't leave until you've seen EVERY movie they're showing. Get a female friend to choose six of the most romantic girliest mushy movies, and sit through them all WITHOUT falling asleep OR complaining once. Walk around for a day with your underwear on the outside like a superhero. Set up a stall at the riccarton market with things you've made yourself.. food, crafts, whatever! Throw an awesome party to celebrate the end of your challenges! lol Well that's all I can think of for now, hope it helps!
Convince a stranger to buy you a potato.
convince a potato to buy you a stranger.
convince a potato you are a potato.
convince yourself you are a potato.
1. tight rope walking (not like the circus stuff but like you see people doing
around uni with the rope about a meter up between two trees)
2. learning a trick on a skate board (ollie or something)
3. trick while water skiing/wake board (turning around)... i know that the
boys like to go water skiing so maybe.... a new exotic type of meat (like crocodile or something from that place
by the airport) although that is a bit wild foods festival style.
5. to eat an entire large bag (LIKE THE ONE FROM CARL'S B-DAY PARTY) of toasted marshmallows.... good luck
6. to take care of an infant for an entire afternoon (can't do too much damage in a few hours but you learn a lot)
7. you still need a naked challenge don't you? I still think naked painting
is funny
8. do an indian rain dance just to see if you can make it rain
9. tan a saying into your back or chest. Just put a lower spf on that
section. unless you get crispy. you could fake tan it on though!!!!!! Just
put the stencil on your back and fake tan around it
10. go sand surfing on an old snow board or skis or something down some sand dunes (like at brighton) or sand sliding on card board boxes.
sorry but that's all I've got at the moment. trying to think of something
else besides busking because that keeps popping into my head.
hope that it's helpful...Amie
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